Sunday, March 29, 2009

Today's.....apa-apa la..hee..

Salam...hurm....its been quite lama tak post apa2 dalam blog ni..sebaba sebenarnya tak ada idea pun.. agak sibuk dengan kerja2 kat kolej.. tadi baru lepas midterm.. lepas ni presentation pulak. lepas tu final pulak.. wah2 penatnya.. last sunday ada greeding taekwondo. and now la n the geng da blt kuning. tapi masa greeding tu segan sangat..tau nape?sebab kami je yang besar mcm mak n bapa orang..yang lain comel2 je..wah tebal muka..tapi apa salahnya kn.. belajar tak kenal umur. tua ke, muda ke..semua pun bole.. jadi apa yang pening..fikir la sendiri..
hmm..i guess thats all for now..sebab i got so many stuff to do lepas ni.. contohnya..tido..hehehe.. and tak lupa jap lagi jam 5 ada trainin taekwondo..till now..c ya later..salam...


Wednesday, March 25, 2009



Hatiku terasa bagai tak kena
Angin malam ini berhembus marah padaku
Menyatakan ada slahku
Kemarahan yang ku pendam kini
Hilang entah dimana
Sepiku seorang lenyap tak terkata
Apa ada malam ini

Kesah ku tak berhenti
Adakah yang ku nanti hampir kembali
Rancak jiwaku memerah fikiran

Kini ku mengerti
Bayang yang muncul dalam indah mimpi ku
Menjelma seorang puteri
Menghias hatiku
Yang lama tidak berteman
Mampu ku tersenyum menimbus sedihku
Kerna dia berada dalam dakapan
Erat tak ku lepas, kukuh tak teroboh
Kekal dalam kalbu ku

Dikau yang ku puja, tiada yang lain
Biarlah datang pada ku ribuan jelitawan
Berhasad padaku
Tetap kau anganan ku
Biar menjelma ratusan wajah indah
dimata ku hanya kamu
Datanglah pada ku wahai Laila ku
Majnun mu setia menanti
Hdirlah pada ku wahai Hawa ku
Adam mu sabar menunggu
Kau kejoraku
Bersatu dalam dakapan kasih
Tiada bersempadan

(copyright reserved_by krueliszard@khairul izzat mohd razif-21st feb08)

Gunung ledang

Monday, March 23, 2009


Assalamualaikum..hari dan minggu yang sangat memenatkan..hmm..let me list down all the stuff yang memenatkan tu..
-baru sahaja berjaya menawan gunung yang hebat; gunung ledang..
- greeding taekwondo, tournament
- assignment (huhu)
- nak cari, nak buat t-shirt club..
- basuh baju
- study
- dan macam2 lagi..enough listkn yang ni je rasanya..

Last Fridat till Sunday club kembara kolej ada anjurkan ekspedisi gunung, being someone yang tak boleh dengar pasal camping i've decide to join. lagipun memang da lama sangat tak pergi camping. last camping pun tahun 2007:Jambori Pengakap Malaysia. at last dapat lepaskan rindu dan merasa atmosphere berkhemah.
Friday/20 Mac 09 :
Bertolak dari kolej ke gunung ledang..lebih kurang jam 3 petang bertolak. dalam perjalanan i can see gunung yang akan kami daki nanati.timbul semangat berkobar-kobar..sampai di campsite kemas all the equipment, pasang khemah..malam tu kami makan apa yang En Man masak. tak kisah sangat, klau dalam hutan ni makan je apa yang ada..asalkan tak lapar.
Perubahan rancangan, kami sepatutnya bertolak mendaki pagi sabtu dalam pukul 7 pagi. tapi disebabkan faktor keselamatan dan yang lain-lainnya, kami semua bertolak jam 2 pagi (21 Mac 09). Memang pengalaman yang tak boleh lupa..
Dalam perjalanan memang rasa sangat penat dan mengantuk..nasib baik ada coklat..huhu.. banyak kali jugalah tergolek-golek..dan yang paling tak boleh tahan, terlanggar dahan pokok.. dumm!!!haha..ada orang nampak pulak tu..siap glakkan..flowerhorn..haha..terus terang, perjalanan memang mencabar sangat..but no worry sebab ada kerjasama dari kawan-kawan. thanks guys..especially anis yang first time panjat gunung..huhu..
Tiba di Padang Batu lebih kurang jam 6 setengah..solat subuh dan topup air dalam botol.. memang sedap air gunung.. lega rasanya..
Siap berehat kami teruskan perjalanan yang masih jauh.. dari Padang Batu da dapat lihat pemandangan yang sangat cantik.. subahanallah.. perjalanan kali ni lebih mencabar, kena mendaki batu yang curam..panjat tangga yang juga curam..but thats not a reason for quit.. perjalanan mesti diteruskan..
Lebih kurang jam 8 setengah hampir sampai ke puncak..wah...and know what, im with the first group yang sampai ke puncak..
Apa yang ada di puncak Gunung Ledang?? of course pemandangan yang sanagt indah dan tak dapat describe with words..lega dan syukur kami selamat sampai.. indahnya ciptaan Allah..perfect..sangat sempurna..terbaik.. hilangkan penat di ada, duduk nikmati pemandangan dan apa lagi..bergambarlah..rugi wooo tak ambil gambar..
Lebih kurang jam hampir 10 kami bertolak turun..perjalanan yang sangat menggelatarkan lutut..dan i thought i was lost in the jungle tu..mana taknya kena jalan sorang-sorang..nasib ada sorang kakak ni..sampai di campsite jam 2 setengah petang..
Apa yang dapat diperolehi dari ekspedisi ni.. pertama, jangan putus asa..sentiasa berjaga-jaga. kerjasama..tolong-menolong..merendah diri pada ciptaanNya..dan banyak lagi..sukar tuk digambarkan..perjalanan naik dan turun lebih kurang 11 jam banyak menguji kesabaran.. thus i get to gain experience which is so wonderful..alhamdulillah..semuanya selamat..
Thanks to all, friends..dan yang telah menjadi kawan selepas xpdc ni..makin bertambah kawan..Ya Allah, sesungguhnya kau yang maha agung, maha mengetahui, maha pemurah dan penyayang..Terima kasih atas nikmatmu kepada kami Ya Allah...

Sunday, March 8, 2009



Why is a hamburger called a hamburger although it contains no ham?
During a trip to Asia in the early 1800s, a German merchant - it is said - noticed that the nomadic Tartars softened their meat by keeping it under their saddles. The motion of the horse pounded the meat to bits. The Tartars would then scrape it together and season it for eating. The idea of pounded beef found its way back to the merchant's home town of Hamburg where cooks broiled the meat and referred to it as it as Hamburg meat.
German immigrants introduced the recipe to the US. The term "hamburger" is believed to have appeared in 1834 on the menu from Delmonico's restaurant in New York but there is no surviving recipe for the meal. The first mention in print of "Hamburg steak" was made in 1884 in the Boston Evening Journal.
The honour of producing the first proper hamburger goes to Charlie Nagreen of Seymour, WI. In 1885 Nagreen introduced the American hamburger at the Outgamie County Fair in Seymour. (Seymour is recognised as the hamburger capital of the world.)
However, there is another claim to that throne. There is an account of Frank and Charles Menches who, also in 1885, went to the Hamburg, New York county fair to prepare their famous pork sausage sandwiches. But since the local meat market was out of pork sausage, they used ground beef instead. Alas, another hamburger.
The first account of serving ground meat patties on buns - taking on the look of the hamburger as we know it today - took place in 1904 at the St. Louis World Fair. But it was many years later, in 1921, that an enterprising cook from Wichita, Kansas, Walt Anderson, introduced the concept of the hamburger restaurant. He convinced financier Billy Ingram to invest $700 to create The White Castle hamburger chain. It was an instant success. The rest of the history, we might say, belongs to McDonald's.
And, no, a hamburger does not have any ham in it. Well, it's not supposed to. Hamburger meat usually is made of 70-80% beef, and fat and spices.
Why is a hotdog called a hotdog?
In 1987, Frankfurt, Germany celebrated the 500th birthday of the frankfurter, the hot dog sausage. Although, the people of Vienna (Wien), Austria will point out that their wiener sausages are proof of origin for the hot dog. (By the way, ham, being pork meat, is found in hotdogs.) According to Douglas B. Smith in his book "Every wonder why?" the hotdog was given its name by a cartoonist.
A butcher from Frankfurt who owned a dachshund named the long frankfurter sausage a "dachshund sausage," the dachshund being a slim dog with a long body. ("Dachshund" is German for "badger dog." They were originally bred for hunting badgers.) German immigrants introduced the dachshund sausage (and Hamburg meat) to the United States. In 1871, German butcher Charles Feltman opened the first "hotdog" stand in Coney Island in 1871, selling 3,684 dachshund sausages, most wrapped in a milk bread roll, during his first year in business.
In the meantime, frankfurters - and wieners - were sold as hot food by sausage sellers. In 1901, New York Times cartoonist T.A. Dargan noticed that one sausage seller used bread buns to handle the hot sausages after he burnt his fingers and decided to illustrate the incident. He wasn't sure of the spelling of dachshund and simply called it "hot dog."
EatingRecipes for placing meat between slices of bread date back to Roman times. However, that was for steak, not minced meat. Thus, the steak burger is older than the hamburger!
Sausage is one of the oldest forms of processed food, having been mentioned in Homer's Odyssey in the 9th century BC.
The tongue is a muscle with glands, sensory cells, and fatty tissue that helps to moisten food with saliva. You cannot taste food unless it is mixed with saliva. For instance, if salt is placed on a dry tongue, the taste buds will not be able to identify it. As soon as saliva is added, the salt dissolves and the taste sensation takes place.
There are 4 basic tastes. The salt and sweet taste buds are at the tip of the tongue, bitter at the base, and sour along the sides.




The medical definition of the word cancer is “a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth (beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis (spreading to other locations in the body). These are three ways that a cancer changes from being benign—which is self-limited, does not invade, and does not metastasize, and becomes malignant or harmful.
If Israel was a cancer on Palestine, it would definitely be a malignant cancer. Israel has shown uncontrolled growth (beyond the normal limits) in the Israeli settler communities that have been established illegally on Palestinian land. Currently there are 121 Israeli settlements and 102 Israeli outposts built illegally in Palestinian territory—and instead of removing these settlements as required by International Law or at least stopping their growth as agreed upon in the Annapolis framework; the settlers are increasing at a rate of 4-6% per year. Just like cancerous cells cause destruction in the body, these settlements are destructive to the Palestinians and the peace process in many ways.
The Israeli government has little control over the settlers and what they do—and many settlers will use violence against the Israeli military as well as the Palestinians to remain on ‘their’ land. Some settlers terrorize Palestinians living in nearby villages by harassing, beating, and sometimes even killing them.
If a settlement is built next to a village, the settlement will usually take over the main road connecting that village to larger Palestinian cities nearby and establish it as a “Jewish-only” road—forcing the villagers to drive on sometimes impassable roads that can take them hours longer to reach their destination. The settlements essentially act like cancerous cells in the West Bank, they cut off Palestinian communities from each other, isolating them and taking the resources they need in order to survive. Settlements are usually built near important resources such as water and agricultural land—so in addition to taking Palestinian land; they take the means of their livelihoods as well.
Israel invades and causes destruction on Palestinian land in other ways as well. The most obvious and destructive form of Israel’s invasions of Palestinian land are the offensives and wars Israel has waged. Operation Cast Lead was one of the bloodiest assaults Israel has launched on the Palestinians since the beginning of the Occupation in 1967. In addition to causing major physical destruction in terms of the amount of people killed and the almost complete demolition of Gaza’s infrastructure, the invasion also caused severe psychological damage to Palestinians—especially the children.
Another way Israel violently invades and causes destruction on Palestinian life is the raids it conducts inside Palestinian territories. In the West Bank alone, there are raids almost every night by the Israeli military, especially in the refugee camps, in which they arrest many Palestinians. About 20% of the population of the occupied Palestinian Territories has been imprisoned. In addition to the arrests, Israeli soldiers sometimes harass, intimidate, or beat friends and family of wanted people in an attempt to get information. Finally, Israel carries out extra-judiciary assassinations of Palestinians they define as ‘militants’ in Palestinian territories.
Israel invades and intrudes on Palestinian life through their control of movement of people and goods in and out of the territories. In Gaza, Israel has gone beyond simply controlling the borders; they have established a total blockade on the territory. The amount of food and other basic supplies allowed in is completely inadequate for the people’s needs. Because of the blockade, Gaza’s economy and infrastructure have completely collapsed.
In the West Bank, there is no blockade, but Israel still controls all movement of people and goods in and out of the territory. Inside the territory, Israel restricts movement through the use of almost 700 ‘closure obstacles’. These are defined as trenches, partial and full checkpoints, earth walls and mounds, road-blocks and barriers, and road gates. It can take hours for a student living in a village that is really only 15 minutes away from the University to get through the checkpoints to get to class—he then has to get back home.
In addition to this, checkpoints also make access to health care extremely complicated. There are many cases of Palestinian women giving birth at checkpoints because they were not allowed through and there are cases of people dying because they were stopped at the checkpoint and therefore denied access to the health care they needed. These checkpoints and closure obstacles are intrusive on Palestinian lives, they are inside Palestinian territory and they make traveling difficult and humiliating.
Israel also invades and causes destruction through the construction of the wall, illegally inside the internationally recognized borders on the Green Line. The construction of the wall amounts to the theft of Palestinian land, in addition to being environmentally destructive. The wall is built regardless of what may be in its way—it has bisected or completely surrounded Palestinian villages that are built on land Israel wants. The villages that have been completely surrounded by the wall are sometimes left with only one small door with which people and goods can move through. The door is controlled by Israelis who often ‘forget’ to open it. These villages are being isolated and gradually left with no means to survive by this cancerous wall—which consumes and destroys everything in its path.
Israel intrudes and causes environmental destruction by having no restrictions on the settlers living in the West Bank concerning waste, sewage, or industrial pollution. Settlements, usually built near Palestinian villages or cities and many times built above them on the hills, sometimes send their sewage and waste right through the village or into the nearby water supply. They are causing environmental damage in an attempt to coerce the Palestinians into leaving the area. Furthermore, in terms of industrial pollution, Israel actually offers tax incentives to Israeli industries to move to the West Bank where they face fewer restrictions on pollution. Consequently, many of the most environmentally destructive companies move to the West Bank.
The final stage of a malignant cancer is metastasis—spreading to other locations of the body. This growth has been shown in the amount of settlements and outposts built illegally on Palestinian land. As they increase in number, the destruction they cause in the West Bank does as well. They essentially cut off West Bank communities from each other, leaving them isolated and economically stagnant.


Curing cancer depends on the type of cancer it is, malignant or benign—Israel is a malignant cancer because of the many ways it invades, intrudes upon, and destroys Palestinian lives. Success rates also depend on the location and stage of the cancer. As a malignant cancer, Israel could be said to have spread almost completely throughout Palestinian lands, and it has had 40 years to establish itself there.
The most obvious way to treat a malignant cancer is through surgery—to remove it as completely as possible from the body. However, this only works if the cancer has not metastasized—or spread, and this is certainly not the case in the West Bank. Furthermore, surgery suggests a rather Ahmedinejad-style of rhetoric which is neither realistic nor moral in any way.
So, barring surgery, chemotherapy is the next logical option for curing cancer. Chemotherapy works by destroying fast-dividing cancerous cells that have spread through the body, but has many painful side effects. In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, this treatment could be described as the peace process working to stop the growth of illegal settlements and remove all of the settlers. However, the violence that breaks out between the settlers and anyone who tries to remove them from their settlements can be intense. Just like a mature cancer is less responsive to the treatment, Israel’s government has matured over 40 years, is well-established in Palestinian territory, and is not responsive to the kind of peace process the world has tried so far.
An example of this is the Oslo Accords and the Annapolis peace conference—illegal settlements were supposed to be stopped and a plan for creating an independent Palestinian state was put forth. However, Israel has not honored either agreement in any real way and, worse, has continued to allow settlements to expand in the West Bank.
Radiotherapy is another way to treat cancer. Instead of removing or killing the cancer, its aim is to simply control the growth of the malignant cells. It is used to relieve the symptoms and prolong life living with cancer. This would be the most logical and ultimately successful kind of treatment for the kind of cancer Israel is on Palestine. Instead of destroying the cancer, the growth of the cancer is controlled and the symptoms on the body can begin to be relieved.
It is no longer possible for Palestine to be what it was before Israel was established. However, it is possible for both to exist independently, side by side. A solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict cannot be found in the past—unfortunately much of the land that has been lost to the Palestinians by the wall and settlements will probably never be voluntarily returned by Israel.
The most important and ultimately effective solution is for each side to accept each other’s right to exist and for Israel to stop invading more of Palestinian land. No more settlements can be built and the wall must be removed or at the very least honor the internationally recognized Green Line. Invasion and intrusion by Israeli settlers and military on Palestinian land must stop. In this way, Israel’s growth as a country and as a malignant cancer upon the Palestinian people would be controlled.
If Israel and Palestine can come to an agreement on a two-state solution and recognize each other’s sovereignty, Israel can change from a malignant cancer to a benign one—one that does not invade, metastasize, or cause destruction. Once Palestine is established as a sovereign country and is no longer a territory occupied by the Israel, the symptoms and side-effects of 40 years of invasion and occupation can begin to be relieved and both countries can be healthy, secure, and in peace.


Owhh..who live in the pineapple undar the sea...



Assalamualaikum..well its been quite lama tak post apa-apa kat blog ni...nasib baik tak kena check lagi..kalau tak kantoi beb..hmm..apa yang menarik minggu ni dan cuti sempena Maulidur Rasul ni...tak ada apa yang menarik melainkan dapat extra cuti hari Isnin ni..huhu..dapat rehat lama-lama sikit smbil habiskan assignment yang tergendala. more thing, masa kat rumah ni la dapat dengar baby nangis..(baby sebelah umah)..hazaiq yang cute..kadang-kadang tension jugak sebab terpaksa dengar tapi bila difikirkan balik kita semua pun macam Haziq jugak. Entah-entah mak dengan ayah kita pun boring dengar kita melalak. That's why we have to show our respect to our mum and daddy. Mereka lah yang bersusah payah jaga kita dari kita kecik smpai lah besar jadi orang yang cukup semuanya ni. Tapi setiap kita tak lepas dari buat kesilapan.. Includes me..pernah juga buat mak dan ayah marah..banyak kali la..jahat gile..huhu.. Tapi lepas tu mintak maaf..Wajib!!kalau tak..tak lulus exam,haha..
Berbalik pada bab menangis.. Actually crying is the best way to calm down ourself when we have problems or even when we have to faced stuff usually yang akan membuatkan kita menangis terutama sekali perasaan sedih. Here i have a facts about cry or tears.. Lets check it out..

''Menahan diri daripada menangis adalah sama saperti menahan lapar. Tindakan ini boleh mengundang pelbagai penyakit seperti kegatalan kulit, sembelit, sakit kepala dan ulser,'' menurut kata pakar psikologi. Menurut ramai ahli psikologi lagi, menerusi kajian mereka kalau kita memendam perasaan, menahan diri daripada menangis bererti kita menafikan tuntutan penting tubuh kita yang daripada masa ke semasa berkehendakan luahan emosi. Akibatnya ia menerukkan keadaan yang sedia teruk.
Menurut Dr William Frey, penulis buku Crying- the Mystery of Tears, 80 % wnita dan 73% leleki yang mengalami kesedihan merasa lega selepas menangis. Anda tidak seharusnya melawan tabiat menangis yang sememangnya wujud dalam setiap diri manusia. Hidup tidak selalunya indah. Menangis selain daripada tabiat semulajadi manusia, ia juga salah satu cara untuk membantu meringankan perasaan sedih yang dialami. Luahkan kesedihan dengan menangis agar diri tidak dibelenggu dengan masalah yang boleh menjejaskan kesihatan.
Apabila kita sedih, pusat emosi otak menghantar mesej ke kelenjar air mata, bekerja dan mengeluarkan sebanyak 10,000 kali pengeluaran.
Keadaan ini akan membuatkan kita berasa laga selepas menangis kerana air mata mencuci tubub daripada tekanan bahan kimia yang berlebihan dalam badan. Justeru menangis terbukti bagus untuk melegakan tekanan.
Benarkah orang lembut berjiwa sentimental mudah dan kerap menangis daripada yang berperibadi keras dan tegas, yang bersikap optimistik menngis kurang? perkara ini dikatakan tiada kaitan langsung. Antara penyebab utama kenapa kanak-kanak terutamanya menangis adalah kerana pengaruh ibubapa itu sendiri kerana ibubapa yang menjadi contoh terdekat dalam hidup kanak-kanak.
Menurut pakar sosiologi, terdapat 10 sebab mengapa manusia menangis iaitu sedih, kesunyian, gembira, takut, sakit, marah, duka, keseronokan hidup, ketawa dan hormonal imbalance. kajian menunjukkan bahawa wanita menangis sacara spontan tiga hingga lima hari sebelum haid kerana tahap estrogen dan progesteron yang tidak seimbang.
Adakalanya dalam aktiviti seharian kita ada yang menyebabkan kita menangis. Contohnya seperti ketika mengupas bawang dan ketika menikmati makanan pedas.
Air mata menjadi teman dikala duka, bak kata orang tua. Sememangnya air mata tidak pernah lekang dalam diri manusia. ketika dalam kesedihan air matalah yang manjadi teman yang paling rapat dengan kita.
Air mata juga menyelamatkan wang kita daripada membayar bil-bil terapi kerana air mata adalah terapi semulajadi. Ia juga ubat lena tidur. Menangis itu adakalanya lebih baik daripada bercakap, ia lebih terkesa daripada kata-kata. Begitu tinggi nilai air mata.
Namun begitu kita tidak seharusnya menyalahgunakan air mata untuk sesuatu tujuan yang tidak baik. Siapa tidak tahu wanita genar menggunukan air mata untuk memerangkap mangsanya. Kita buat muka sedih apabila ditolak kehendak kita, kita merajuk dan bergenang air mata jika si dia berkata tidak. Kita menangis teresak-esak apabila si dia tidaj mahu manunjukkan rasa simpati.
Kita menangis kerana itu dan kita menangis kerana ini...akhirnya tangisan kita tidak diambil peduli oleh yang tersayang kerana tangisan kita dianggap drama minggu ini. Jadi, menangislah ketika perlu dan bukannya asyik-asyik menangis..
So...if you guys dah baca tentang air mata ni pandai-pandai sendiri la fikir.. Tak semstinya jika kita menangis itu akan menunjukkan kelemahan diri. Sentiasa ingat yang semua orang menangis, tiada yang terkecuali.. And one thing..bagi mereka yang sntiasa menangis tanpa sebab, you better be careful..sebabnya you should go and see a doctor.. Yelah, kekerapan menangis tanpa sebab yang munasabah adalah salah satu simptom tekanan jiwa.
Jadi..guys dont have to hide your tears.. Kami girls actually tak anggap yang kaum lelaki ni lemah bila mereka menangis.. Me myself ever face a situation which i get a chance to see and heard a guy crying. So, let it go..Let your tear fall down or drop anywhere.. Yang sepatutnya la.. Jadi im sure mereka yang dah mencapai matang fikirannya akan mamahami apa itu air mata yang sebenarnya...:)

Monday, March 2, 2009


wah...penatnya...nak siapkan blog ni..dah buat tapi kena buat baru..masalah sana sini..kadang-kadang bila fikir balik nak ikutkan susah nak dapat apa-apa yang perfect..perfect life..perfect marks untuk assignment n test, macam-macam lagi la..hehe..tapi kalau nak markah yang perfect kna lah study, duk giyang kaki dapat apa..bila teringatkan kata-kata en noor jefri masa penutup SAF hari tu, rasa semangat pulak..he talk about students results.katanya peratusan student yang dapat anugerah presiden masa last konvo turun menjunam..dari situ maknanya mamang kuranglah jumlah student yang dapat dekan.sebab untuk dapat anugerah president tu someone tu mesti dalam 6 semester tu,mesti dah dapat ekan sebanyak 4 kali..asyik2 berangan..tapi tak pernah dapatpun..huhu..tak tercapai lagi matlamat..insyalah, belajar dari kesilapan..biasalah,kita manusia ni ada some part yang kita hebat dan ada part yang kita lemah..bila patr yang lemah tu diuji, sedikit kantoilah kan..apa2 pun pesanan untuk diri sendiri dan kawan2 especially duus 3, study smart..oii we have to struggle tau tak..gelak-gelak jugak,sebab la tau kita ni kuat gelak..tapi jangan lebih sangat nanti ilmu keluar..hehe..anway..GANBATENAE....insyalah...amin..